Pennsylvania HQ VFW Newspaper 

2024-2025 Winter Edition Click Here

2024 Fall Edition Click Here

2024 Summer Edition Click Here 

2024 Spring Edition Click Here


Tips for submitting Articles and Photos

Our award-winning newspaper—Pennsylvania VFW News—is printed four times a year to keep members informed about important news affecting the VFW and veterans. All Pennsylvania VFW members whose current addresses are on file at National HQ receive the paper.

To promote reunions or other events please review the deadlines below. Photos of post events can be emailed (high-resolution digital file) to Cynthia Lewis at along with a caption explaining the program. If you send a photo print by mail please do not send the original. Newspaper clippings or faxes are not be accepted for publication. No exceptions. Rather than submitting a clipping to State HQ, please contact the paper for permission to reprint the image and ask the photographer to email the photo to us, with a permission statement
Photography tips
State HQ welcomes photo submissions showing Posts carrying out the VFW mission. We strive to achieve high quality reproduction in our newspaper. Therefore, newspaper clippings are not accepted and will not be printed. Instead, contact the newspaper that covered your Post event to acquire the image file and email the image to with caption and the paper’s reprint permission. Do not send in photocopies or prints made on non-photo paper.

Digital camera and cell phone users should select a setting that yields the best quality photo (the highest possible resolution/megabytes and pixels) to provide the best results. When indoors, use a setting that ensures that the flash will fire. Avoid bright lighting, windows and mirrors behind your objects, which could cause your photo to be too dark.

Submissions will be reviewed by State HQ. The possibility of publication depends on space availability and the importance of the topic to VFW members. The editor reserves the right to edit all articles for space and other considerations.

National HQ also distributes its award-winning "Checkpoint” newsletter to share Post success stories with VFW units across the nation. Visit to read the latest issue.


Keep up-to-date on how the VFW is working to improve the quality of life for veterans, service members & their families and the community.