The Department presents three healthcare awards annually. Guidelines for Healthcare Awards:

1. A narrative of no more than 500 words will be submitted to the posts no later than February 28.

2. Once a winner is chosen from your post, the narrative will be submitted to the chairman of Healthcare awards no later than March 31.

3. When you send your winner in, make sure the nomination support form is filled out and attached.

4. The winner in each category will receive a plaque at the state convention. If the winner cannot attend the state convention the plaque will be given to the post/district commander to be
Category 1-VA Volunteer of the Year Award-nominees for this award must be a regularly scheduled volunteer and must volunteer and work with one of the following: hospitalized veterans, CBOC veterans, veterans in community living centers, homeless veterans or veterans confined to their homes.
Category 2-Outstanding VA Healthcare Employee of the Year Award The goal of this award is to provide recognition to a VA healthcare provider who takes the extra steps to provide exemplary service to our veterans and their families.
Category 3-Outstanding Community Healthcare Employee of the Year Award-The goal of this award is to provide recognition to a healthcare provide who takes the extra steps to provide exemplary service and support to our veterans and their families within the community.
2024-2025 Healthcare Awards: Click Here
Healthcare Award Chairwoman

Ruth Fairchild
VFW Post 315 (25)
845 Arlington Avenue
New Castle, PA 16101
Cell: 724-544-4745