2024-2025 State Commander's Photo for your Post: Click Here

2024-2025 Membership Program: Click Here

2024-2025 District Meetings: Click Here

PA Liquor Control Enforcement SGOC Presentation: Click Here 

Officer Derrick J. Devaney: Email:

2024-2025 By-Laws-Amendments and Resolutions 

All Posts should have several copies of the latest National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure and Roberts Rules (latest version). You can order copies of the By-Laws  through VFW Supply or by contacting State HQ (same price applies). Roberts Rules copies can be ordered online including through

"Telling the VFW Story” – Is a nice PowerPoint slideshow that can assist you in telling the VFW story

Use of VFW Name and Logo – Please review these documents before using the VFW logo/name and especially before creating any partnerships between your Post and businesses. You must request permission from National HQ before you use the VFW logo: VFW Logo Permission

Post Real Property and Liquor Licenses - See link to "Legal Structure of your Organization," also under Resources

Fiduciary Responsibilities (all officers are encouraged to review this document)

Leases (sample) Commercial (Commercial lease would be from Post to Home Association if the Post is structured properly with Post owning the real estate and Home Assoc. leasing from Post) Residential (Post-owned apartments) Click Here

2024-2025 Quartermaster Bond Form: Click Here

2024-2025-Quartermaster Bond Cost: Click Here

2024-2025 Club Bonds Form: Click Here  (Note: this information is applicable for bonding VFW canteen managers, canteen employees, bingo managers, gaming managers and gaming workers)

2024-2025 Club Bonds Cost Click Here  

Templates and Instructions:

Post Articles of Incorporation and Instructions

Post Bylaws and Instructions 

Post Consolidation Form

 Canteen Home Association Articles of Incorporation and Instructions

 Canteen Home Association Bylaws and Instructions

Disciplinary Action Forms (Post) (Fillable)

How to Prepare a Resolution

Cemetery plots – State HQs has access to free (donated) cemetery plots at numerous locations throughout the state.

Classroom visits by veterans – All VFW members and Post officers are encouraged to review this pamphlet about planning and implementing classroom visits to help students understand the critical role veterans have played in our nation’s history.

Election ReportAttention Post QMs: You must complete election reports via the National VFW Online Membership System. Using the online form is easy and allows Post QMs to simply enter the VFW membership number of each Post leader and their personal information will automatically fill in. The form is on National’s web site and is fillable online, plus a copy will automatically be sent to State HQs. To access the online form go to, log in your user name/password. After logging in, search through the QM tools, complete the Election Form and submit it. There are many other QM functions that you can perform using this section including common changes to membership records. If you have any questions contact the State Adjutant at (717) 234-7927.

VFW Fact Sheet (Statistics about VFW Programs). This is updated regularly by national.

Legislative Priorities (National) – Using this brochure underscores the importance of the VFW’s advocacy work in Washington, D.C. If a potential member says, "What does the VFW do for me?”, show them this piece. And, if current members think that their VFW is not working hard enough to represent them, print out this brochure and pass it out. Join Action Corps for regular updates.

Post Trustees' Audit Form (fillable) and Instructions – NEW: This version of the form is now fillable online, but we recommend that you save the PDF file to your computer using a name like "Post Audit Form Master File,” then close the file. Then re-open the file and fill in your data for the period you are reporting. Make sure you have all areas completed, print it out and review it for accuracy and completeness. If you are ready to submit the form please fax it to State HQs (717 234-1955) or mail it in. Save the completed PDF file on your computer using a name similar to "Post Third Quarter 2024” and make sure you keep the file on your hard drive. It is recommended that you save a back-up copy somewhere other than on your computer (CD/DVD or external hard drive kept in a fireproof safe). When you prepare your next Audit form open the "Master File” and follow the same instructions.

Post Inspection Checklist: Click Here

Post Inspection FormClick Here

Post Quartermaster Ledger – Post Quartermasters can use this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to fill in and track their accounting figures. (Excel software must be own your computer). Totals will automatically populate.

Post Quartermaster Detail of Receipt and Disbursements – This Microsoft Excel form can be saved to your computer and used as a handy guide to track your Post receipts and disbursements. (Excel must be loaded on your computer.) Totals will automatically populate.

Post Welcome Letter for General New Members

Post Welcome Letter for War on Terror Veterans

Request for Department of PA VFW Representative

Requesting Ceremonial Rifles Ammunition and Military Equipment

Training Videos – VFW National has training on the backend of their website. You can make an account and login for training

 VFW Logo Story -Do you know the history of the VFW logo? Here’s the story.

Travel Expense Voucher: Click Here